E-learning requires a system for the management of teaching and learning provides communication between all parties to the educational system, where the administration has become a supplier of the most important resources of the community in the modern era. So is learning management systems of the most important components of e-learning are integrated system is responsible for the management of the educational process electronic across the global network of information "online" or local network and the system includes Admission, registration in courses, and duties, and follow up on student learning, and supervision of learning tools synchromesh and non-synchromesh, testing and certification extract.
The concept of learning management systems:
Learning Management Systems is the application software or technology based on Internet use in the planning, implementation and evaluation of specific learning process. Usually provides a learning management system in a way the teacher to create and deliver content and monitor student participation and assess their performance. It can provide a learning management system students the ability to use interactive features such as discussion topics and visual meetings and discussion forums, which rely on the Web to facilitate access to the contents and the management of the educational process without any spatial or temporal constraints.
Types of learning management systems:
Learning Management Systems
Learning content management systems
Systems management courses
Learning Management Systems
First: Learning Management Systems LMS
Is an acronym for Learning Management System means learning management system. It is a Software program designed to help manage, monitor and evaluate the training and continuing education and all its activities in the institution.
Second, CMS systems management courses
CMS is an acronym for Course Management System means a system management decisions and focus too much on the decisions in terms of their composition and development. This system enables the deployment of scientific material, and management activities related to the course of study and manage all the existing courses. CMS is also the set of software that allows the design and update dynamic Web sites.
Third, the educational content management systems LCMS
The term LCMS is an acronym for Learning and Content Management System means the content management system of education, that gives both "the author and designer of education and specialized materials," the ability to create, develop and modify the educational content more effectively, and this is the establishment of warehouse repository contains the elements of educational Learning Object own content , so as to facilitate control and Tgmaaha, distribution and re-use to suit the elements of the training process of the teacher and the learner and the instructional designer and expert decision.
The systems, these systems are complementary to each other's educational systems are content management LCMS serves as the umbrella covering both LMS and CMS
We note that all these systems of different denominations, must cover a range of key departments are as follows:
1. The management of educational material.
2. Manage users (regardless of the validity of the user, student, teacher, director ..)
3. Management activities (duties and assignments, short tests, ...)
4. Connection management (which is available means of communication between the teacher and his students Almtherr, such as email, chat software, discussion forums ...).
The importance of e-learning management systems (LMS)
The importance of learning management systems in that it helps (Caliph 0.2008):
• support and complement traditional education.
• teaching materials or provide full training in a timely manner.
• education, increasing numbers of students in the crowded ranks.
• Ability to use the means at any time and any place.
• facilitate the process of teacher and student to communicate anytime, anytime.
• Manage and organize the process of e-learning and the exchange of content.
Advantages of e-learning management systems (LMS)
· Date: means the inclusion of student data, and management.
· Scheduling: means scheduling decision, and develop a plan to be taught.
· Plug: means to provide content to the student.
· Tracking: The mean follow-up of student performance and issuing reports about it.
· Contact: The means of communication between students through chats, discussion forums, and e-mail, and file sharing.
· Tests: means testing for students and dealing with their assessment.
Classification of e-learning management systems (LMS)
Classified e-learning management systems in terms of the source into two main sections, namely:
(1) Learning Management Systems, Open Source.
(2) Learning Management Systems closed source.
In terms of the public is divided into two types:
(1) Learning Management Systems General (Ready).
(2) learning management systems (developed).
Steps to choose e-learning management systems (LMS):
Refers Pat Alvarado (consultant in learning techniques) that there are seven steps to identify appropriate learning management system, according to the budget available for the project and the financial situation of the competing views on the project with their abilities to technical support and prices offered.
1 - Identify learning strategy:
There must be clarity in terms of the learning strategy "identify the target group and the possibilities and the available budget and to identify the barriers and the expected benefits of learning."
2 - documenting applications:
It is necessary to write applications that it deems important in the enterprise learning management system. And are arranged priority.
3 - Find learning systems available:
There are two types of such systems "open systems (Open) - closed systems (Closed)".
4 - processing specifications brochure:
Processing specifications brochure Request for Proposal (RFP) so that they are under the umbrella of the strategy and meet the requirements with the addition of the best features available in existing systems.
5 - Revision presentations: is through the development of different criteria to reach a standard to assess learning systems involved.
6 - scheduling meetings and demos:
It is important to meeting approaching that provides learning systems and engage in dialogue with them about everything related to Bmnottaghm according to specifications brochure at hand. And that permeates the meeting demos of the products and make sure they cover all the requirements.
7 - decision-making:
Is determined by a learning management system that meets the appropriate applications have been tested in different places of and in accordance with the budgets set for the project.