The nature of e-learning and distance learning developments

The nature of e-learning:

The e-learning of new trends in the education system, and e-learning is a term most commonly used where we use also other terms such as: Electronic Eduation \ Online Learning \ Virtual Learning \ Web Based Education. E-learning refers to learning by Internet technology, where published content Ir Internet or an intranet or extranet, and this method allows the creation of links with sources outside the lecture.

E-Learning provides two types or two types of education:

Type I: Education synchromesh:

It is education on the air that needs to be educated in the presence of Nevsh time in front of computers to conduct the debate and conversation between students themselves and between them and the teacher via chat rooms or received lessons through virtual classrooms.

Type II: Education is synchronous:

And Hwaltalim indirect, which does not need to exist educated at the same time or in the same place, and it is through some of the e-learning technology where information is exchanged between the students themselves and between them and the teacher at times in a row, and selects the learner times and places that suit them.

We have collected the World Wide Web between education and education is synchronous synchronous, Education is all the time, and it can be stored for reference at any time.

Features of e-learning that the Internet is a way of presentation of scientific material can therefore be obtained 7 days a week and in 24 hours a day, and that the student is a key element in the educational process is the one who can determine how to learn, and it can be used as teaching methods are different, such as: virtual classroom, simulation, cooperative learning, discussion groups, and e-learning follows the steps of traditional education, such as study, testing and certification, and registration, management and payment of expenses and follow-up is done online.

The e-learning is the basis of distance education is one of the models of distance education, where it is the primary role of the learner in the search, and in the initiative, and in the exchange of information.

Says Martin Tsachel Schools Director of the Supreme People in upper Germany Orzal some expressions value in relation to e-learning in his article titled ((e-learning a new challenge for educators: How Nthbthm in front of "chaos Informatics")):

 did not spend a former U.S. president Bill Clinton from 1995 to eight billion U.S. dollars on e-learning for just entertainment for Allamimalomrakyin quotas and make them enjoy school.

 If companies have come long ago to the conclusion that it without going in the midst of the new world, it bustles unable to survive, the same thing must become self-evident for the education sector.

 While we find a lot of universities and institutes of higher education in ancient Britain, France and Germany and other European countries, has opened sections to modern studies via the Internet.

 The e-learning pays off in the long run, while the end of their undergraduate students and break into the labor market, will then appear positive for this education.

 and immune to doubt that head buried in the sand for the oeuvre immunity necessary to the process of technical progress, so to Antather out and keep away from the world.

 The e-learning is a challenge for educators and the community as a whole, must accept and learn how to deal with him.

 need for the participation of students in the world of tomorrow any cosmic world, and this world is a global digital world.

The characteristic of e-learning and distance education is the multiplicity of choices and tools that enable the learner to learn at any place and at a time convenient to him.

One of the latest technical developments in the field of e-learning and distance education:

1. Wikipedia:) (WikiPedia

They put courses or subjects on the Internet and take advantage of them students from a distance.

2. Blog (Blog):

Put lectures or lessons daily on the Internet and is the most widely used in the Arab world are currently thoughts or daily diary.

3. Frigidity Dreamcast (BroadCast):

Registration for lectures and put them on the site of the university or educational institution or downloaded and then uploaded to the device.

4. Education Mobile (M-Learning) Mobil Learning

Can be defined as the use of procedural and small wireless devices such as handheld Mobile Phone, PDAs, Smart phones, in the processes of teaching and learning at any time and any place (Conference on e-learning and distance education).

The reasons for the proliferation of open learning and distance education

Adopted primitive societies in antiquity on natural raw materials and try to put them in line with their needs frequent and growing, resulting in a developed and transformed little by little, this development accompanied the emergence of industrial societies rely entirely on energy, but in the modern era society depends primarily on the tide informational especially after widening circle of knowledge and research in various fields and the emergence of electronic equipment used in information technology, and has become our present era is called the era of information based on the information network of local or extended, which swept across the various fields, and considering that the essence of education and the basis of the information it is also affected by the development and technological techniques that gave him dimension and a new concept, and the back of the so-called education Default or e-learning or virtual university, stemming from distance education, After it was the student is the one who goes to the sites of science, he became able to learn and gain knowledge without leaving the area, where, and thus canceled obstacle geographical boundaries, and canceled as well as a large portion of the expenses incurred for traditional education

Because of the changes and rapid developments after the mid-nineteenth century, due to the spread of rad, television and satellite and video equipment and computers, and will be cited here are some reasons that led to the attention of education open and distance education, including:

1 - lifelong learning and economic development: as both of open learning and distance education gives the flexibility necessary for mature adults to continue their education and training, despite their functional responsibilities at work or family responsibilities.

2 - social justice and force balanced: where there are a large number of adults worldwide who prevented them personal circumstances and social pursue higher education by engaging in traditional education systems, so education is open and distance education offers a second chance to anyone over such circumstances through the abolition of the border that were restricting access to higher education.

3 - Cost effective: as there are many countries where there is increasing demand for studying at the higher education systems of conventional, until it became a desire to meet this demand exceeds the capabilities of national economic available, so it comes open learning and distance education to offer a solution to this problem.

4 - geography and remote areas: in remote and sparsely populated is neither possible nor acceptable economically be set up institutions of traditional education, which covers all levels and areas of teaching, higher education and vocational training, and in this case comes open learning and distance education to provide an opportunity alternative to traditional education on Society levels and in various fields of economic acceptable cost (1).

5 - the explosion of technology, and touched upon the first part of this research.

6 - The possibility to take advantage of hardware media different such as TV, radio and satellite in distance education, since they are working on the composition of positive attitudes towards learning and education, working to preserve the identity and cultural identity of the community, it also works to bring the class differences and social It is a tool to achieve stability and security and social peace, and working on breeding individuals in their free time in her programs in order to fill leisure time in ways that are far from upscale projection and landing (1).

7 - Open Learning type of individual learning, which allows the learner to walk in the learning speed and the rate at which commensurate with his abilities without the obligation to quickly teacher education, which is usually determined on the basis of estimates own, it also provides materials and a variety of sources for each objective of the tutorial, as well as to the diversity of sources and educational resources and works to provide continuous feedback on a regular basis rather than relying on the method of trial and error (1).

8 - to open learning and distance education is a field to teach multiple segments of society and to compensate them for the loss of opportunities for learning and school and university education, by increasing their skills and raise the level of qualifications and improve their professional performance, because it takes modern technology of devices and materials, equipment and other methods (1) .

Distance Education The concept and the characteristics and requirements

The evolution of contemporary technology to the advent of inventions and modern technology, which represents a real revolution in the various spheres of life, which should gain the field of Education fortunate as a result of the use of technical means of advanced computer and communication networks, multimedia and portals and the availability of enormous potential in the speed and magnitude of the transfer of information and address the problems faced by the education systems and institutions. It is no doubt the Internet is the most important technical achievement in the modern world enables human from which to cancel the distances and shorten time and make this world more like a screen microelectromechanical intertwined on the area of ​​the meager information and information technology and data cultures, knowledge and civilizations, including this clause, communicate to stand on the new as soon as it happens .

Distance Education fruit of contemporary technology:

I have influenced education affected and clear by the technological revolution of contemporary, and came (distance education) one of the main manifestations of this vulnerability where carries in its concept and tools to prosecute actual development of science and knowledge and their applications in various fields, has spent the concept of education n after those chapters well-known thanks to the use of advanced technology, and has become possible to reach that knowledge to the learners to engage in non-traditional style known in education, which is within the school and sit in front of a blackboard in the presence of the teacher.

We have developed a distance education with the process media educational opened his areas of development and has developed from its structures and tools, has passed distance education through distance education via e by communicating with the student in his home, then the radio way to achieve distance education beside telecommunications Then there was the TV role in providing opportunities for distance education, and the development of the case is what a real revolution in distance education with the advent of the computer and the international information network (Internet) and provided the enormous potential in communication and providing opportunities for education and learning.

The concept of distance education:

There are variations on the definition of distance education since that happened some education by correspondence and by television school or education outside the school, using radio, television or education outside the university or the righteousness of the Open University or the distribution of educational documents by satellite or by cable or network information and other the means and tools. Due to the difference in the definition of the perception of distance education as a mere means of education using technical means to connect science and knowledge to the students present in distant places outside the headquarters of the study

Abound terminology used in the field of distance learning until we find a flood of these terms linked on this approach of education and remind them of the following:

1 - Education correspondence

2 - Indirect Education

3 - Education extended

4 - Independent Education

5 - study at home

6 - study

7 - Education mailed

8 - Education on the air

9 - self learning / self-education

10 - After teaching for

11 - Open Education

12 - distance education

These terms concerning distance education are mainly based on the separation between the teacher and the learner as distance education are not subject to the supervision of the learning process for the continuous and direct teacher Ooualemcharf but there is a space between the teacher and the learner

Characteristics of distance education:

Imposes the concept of education and distance learning to look at it is more than a means of education is system complex can not be refunded to the educational systems of traditional - that is where education in verbal at school or institute or university is not in terms of the educational process nor in terms of their characteristics education, because education and distance learning requires a look different to the educational process taking place in the framework as required of a radical change in the practices and educational means to overcome the remoteness and isolation of the student, and dictated that the shift is necessary in the role, tasks and functions assigned to the teachers and supervisors of this type of Education that is in the framework of self-learning.

That requires a reorganization of the full functional education system so that it develops its components and inputs to cope with the concept of distance education and provide him with the right climate for the success of self-learning and titling students skills and provide means and make it available to their commensurate with the characteristics of distance education, which can be summarized as follows:

1 - geographic separation between the teacher and the learner, which requires compensation for school climate for students and help them find the perimeter of educational prepares himself for his appetite for learning and self-sustaining.

2 - Educational Institution solved significantly replace the teacher to the student, including availability of methods and follow-up counseling and guidance Calendar

3 - provides an opportunity for students to exchange information and experiences and exchange views through electronic communication.

4 - can achieve the dual communication between the teacher and students or to continue through the collective-mail communication for the benefit of the actor in the dissemination of knowledge and Hakik convergence between learners.

5 - achieving privacy for student learning because learning after taking into account individual differences among students are not available in a traditional school where they can deal with the students according to their abilities and potential of self-giving opportunity to apply the principles of individualized instruction which the principles that take into account the specificity of each student and abilities achievement.

6 - Distance Education affirms the right of individuals to access to the educational opportunities available under the Open Education for All It gives equal opportunities for all, learning is not confined to a particular class or a specific time.

7 - the education system and distance learning can be equivalent to or higher than that in effect the traditional education system when used with high efficiency techniques

8 - contributes to the distance education system in solving problems that hinder the dissemination of education or absorb a huge amount of students in schools or universities.

Requirements of distance education:

Requires distance education to provide many of the elements, including the following:

1 - appropriate educational materials that need to be human potential high technical competence cooperate in the production of these materials to be appropriate scientifically and technically.

2 - a virtual classroom seasons on the World Wide Web does not adhere to time or place, but are gathering students to participate in collaborative learning situations so that the student in the learning center and be positive and active collaborator.

3 - Determine the technical options for the teacher resorted to in distance learning and those options are in four basic categories, namely:

• Identify audio (phone / conference audio / wireless router Short / strips ....)

• audio-visual (animation or live / slides / movies / ...)

• Data: It uses the computer to facilitate access to information and tutorials

• Printing: It is a key element in programs for distance education.

4 - It is important to provide a climate induction and media necessary for the success of distance education programs

5 - to focus on the needs of learners and the requirements of the educational content required for each grade level.

Obstacles to e-learning

Facing e-learning

Difficulties may extinguish its luster and impede its spread quickly and the main obstacles are the cause of the criteria adopted

. If we look at some of the curricula and courses in universities or schools, we find

They need to make adjustments and updates as a result of many different developments each year, but each

Sometimes a month where e-learning is still suffering from a lack of clarity in regulations and roads

And methods in which education is clearly also not decide on the issue of incentives

Encouragement for the learning environment is one of the obstacles that hinder the effectiveness of e-learning, although

Of attacks on major sites on the Internet, has affected teachers and educators and developed

In the minds of many questions about the impact on e-learning in the future.

Among the most important of these obstacles include: _

The need for a solid infrastructure in terms of availability and reliability of the hardware and connection speed

Internet - the need for a specialized management systems, e-learning - the difficulty

Access to educational programs in Arabic - the inability of the teacher to use

Technology - digital filter - the loss of the human factor in education - regulations and incentives

Compensatory - Privacy and confidentiality - the high cost of the primary. - Calendar difficulty - the development of standards

Ways to overcome obstacles


1 - the response of the students with the new style and their interaction with him.

2 - methods of monitoring the integration of classroom education with immediate and making sure that the curriculum is going according to the plan set for it.

3 - an increased focus on the teacher and notified his personality and its importance for the educational institution and make sure he did not feel important and not something that has become a traditional heritage.

4 members of the community aware of this kind of education and not to stand the negative thereof.

5 provides a wide area of ​​the electromagnetic space and expand the area of ​​wireless communication.

6 continuing need for training and support of learners and administrators at all levels, as

This type of education needs to be ongoing training in accordance with the renewed technical ..

7 need to train learners how education using the Internet.

8 need to disseminate the contents of the high level of quality, so that competition is global.

9 edit all the old rules that impede innovation and the development of new ways to promote innovation in

Every place and time to provide education and to demonstrate the efficiency and dexterity.

The benefits of e-learning

There is no doubt that

There is justification for this type of education is incalculable in this article, but we can say that

The most important features and benefits of e-learning that it helps to develop visual thinking - Development

Positive attitudes towards learning - a positive development tendencies of the students towards science - makes the process

Learning easier - reduces the difficulties of linguistic communication between the student and the teacher.

1 - increase the possibility of communication between the students among themselves, and between the students and the school: and so

During the ease of communication between these parties in several directions, such as discussion boards, e-mail

Mail, chat rooms. The researchers believe that these things increase and stimulate students to

Participation and interaction with the topics

2 - Contributing to the different viewpoints of students: Forums such as instant discussion boards

And chat rooms offer opportunities to exchange views on topics which increases the chances of

Take advantage of the views and proposals and incorporate them with the views which the student

Helps in the formation of a solid foundation when the learner and the knowledge he has composed and strong opinions and sound, and that

Through the acquired knowledge and skills through chat rooms.

3 - sense of equality: this feature to be more useful for students who feel

Fear and anxiety because this method of education makes students enjoy more boldly in

Express their ideas and the search for more facts than they would in a traditional classroom

This type of education allows a full opportunity for all students because he can send his mind

And his voice through the communication tools available from e-mail and discussion boards and chat rooms.

4 - Easy access to the teacher: enabled e-learning great ease of access to

The teacher as soon as outside official working hours,

Because he can become a trainee

That sends queries to the teacher via e-mail

5 - The possibility of

Modulating method of teaching: it is possible to receive the scientific material that fit the way students

Some of the visual method suit them, and their proportionality way audio or read,

Some of them fit with the way the process, e-Education and sources allow

Application sources and many different ways to allow the modification in accordance with the method best for


6 - relevance of various teaching methods: e-learning allows the learner to focus on

Important ideas during the writing and assembled for a lecture or lesson, and also allows students who

Suffer from difficulty concentrating, organizing tasks to take advantage of the material and that they be arranged

And coordinated manner easy and good and important elements of the specific

7 - Help

Additional redundancy: This additional feature for those who are learning the way the process

Those who are in education through training, if they wanted to express their ideas

They put them in certain sentences, which means that they are re-trained to repeat information that

It does so also when students are preparing for a particular exam.

8 - provides the curriculum throughout the day and every day of the week: This feature is useful for people

Alm'zajian or who wish to Education at a certain time, because some of them prefer to learn

The other morning and evening, as well as for those who bear the burdens and responsibilities of personal, this feature

Allows all learn in time that suits them.

9 - continuity in access to the curriculum: This feature makes the student in the case of stability

So that he could get the information in his own time, not linked to the prayer open

And the closure of the library, which leads to comfort the student and not his weary.

10 - Do not rely on actual attendance: it is no longer necessary to commit to a specific timetable

The binding because modern technology has provided ways to communicate without the need to be in place and time

Certain ..

Types of e-learning

Limited types of e-learning depending on the time it occurs in two types, namely:
First, e-learning asynchronous Synchronous E-learning)):
It is education on the air that needs to exist educated at the same time in front of computers to conduct the debate and conversation between students themselves and between them and the teacher via chat rooms ((chatting or receive lessons through virtual classrooms (virtual classroom) or by using tools other., And the positives of this type Education of the learner to get immediate feedback and reduce the cost and dispensing Go to the headquarters of the study, and disadvantages need to modern equipment and network connections are good.
It is more sophisticated types of e-learning and complex, where he will meet the teacher and the student on the Internet at the same time (concurrently).
And includes the tools used in synchronous e-learning include:
• white board (Whit Board)
• videoconferencing (Videoconferencing)
• conferences across the Sound (Audio conferencing)
• chat rooms (Chatting Rooms)
The writer agrees with professionals who believe that e-learning geosynchronous may also occur in the classroom and using modes of computer technology and the Internet and under the supervision and guidance of the teacher.

Second, e-learning asynchronous Asynchronous E-learning)):
It is education indirect, which does not require the presence of the learners at the same time, such as access to expertise through sites available on the Web or CD-ROM or via the tools of e-learning such as e-mail or mailing lists, and the positives of this kind that the learner gets a study by times appropriate for him, and the effort that wishes to submit, as well as the student can re-examine the matter and refer to them electronically whenever he needs it.
It disadvantages the learner's inability to get immediate feedback from the teacher, as it may lead to introverted because they are in isolation.
And includes the tools used in asynchronous e-learning, the following:
• e-mail.
• forums.
• interactive video.
• Textile Network.

E-learning and its properties

Is a way of teaching using the communication mechanisms of modern computers and networks, multimedia, voice and image, graphics, and search mechanisms, and electronic libraries, as well as web portals, whether remote or in the classroom is important is intended to use the technology of all kinds in the delivery of information to the learner in the shortest time and with less effort The biggest benefit. And distance learning are part derived from the study of electronic In both cases, the learner receives information from a place far away from the teacher, and when we talk about electronic study do not necessarily have to talk about education Messaging simultaneous, but it may be asynchronous e-learning. Education is the default is to learn useful from remote locations is not bounded by time or place of the Internet and technology.

Characteristics of e-learning: _

1 - providing all means of interaction between the student and the district teacher and the possibility of interaction of students and teacher

Electronic blackboard.

2 - interaction with the student teacher discussion where students can talk through a microphone connected

A PC that is used by

3 - enable the teacher to work fast to tide poll response and interaction of students with different points of the lesson

And that exposure to air

4 - to enable the teacher and student work to assess the immediate response tide of students through the work of a questionnaire fast and immediate explores through ups teacher interaction with students and with the content of educational material and educational

5 - the teacher can work for students to tour a educational sites available on the Internet

6 - enable the teacher to use many different means of interactive educational applications, such as post

7 - help the teacher to divide students into small working groups in the room interactive video and audio for work experience in the case and at the same quota and enable the teacher of discussion with any of the groups

Work and the participation of all students in the analysis of the results of one of the working groups.

8 - to enable the teacher and student work to assess the immediate response tide student through a quick test is evaluated and discussed with him the student interaction in the case in the presence of a teacher.

Management systems, e-learning

E-learning requires a system for the management of teaching and learning provides communication between all parties to the educational system, where the administration has become a supplier of the most important resources of the community in the modern era. So is learning management systems of the most important components of e-learning are integrated system is responsible for the management of the educational process electronic across the global network of information "online" or local network and the system includes Admission, registration in courses, and duties, and follow up on student learning, and supervision of learning tools synchromesh and non-synchromesh, testing and certification extract.

The concept of learning management systems:

Learning Management Systems is the application software or technology based on Internet use in the planning, implementation and evaluation of specific learning process. Usually provides a learning management system in a way the teacher to create and deliver content and monitor student participation and assess their performance. It can provide a learning management system students the ability to use interactive features such as discussion topics and visual meetings and discussion forums, which rely on the Web to facilitate access to the contents and the management of the educational process without any spatial or temporal constraints.

Types of learning management systems:

Learning Management Systems

Learning content management systems


Systems management courses


Learning Management Systems


First: Learning Management Systems LMS

Is an acronym for Learning Management System means learning management system. It is a Software program designed to help manage, monitor and evaluate the training and continuing education and all its activities in the institution.

Second, CMS systems management courses

CMS is an acronym for Course Management System means a system management decisions and focus too much on the decisions in terms of their composition and development. This system enables the deployment of scientific material, and management activities related to the course of study and manage all the existing courses. CMS is also the set of software that allows the design and update dynamic Web sites.

Third, the educational content management systems LCMS

The term LCMS is an acronym for Learning and Content Management System means the content management system of education, that gives both "the author and designer of education and specialized materials," the ability to create, develop and modify the educational content more effectively, and this is the establishment of warehouse repository contains the elements of educational Learning Object own content , so as to facilitate control and Tgmaaha, distribution and re-use to suit the elements of the training process of the teacher and the learner and the instructional designer and expert decision.

The systems, these systems are complementary to each other's educational systems are content management LCMS serves as the umbrella covering both LMS and CMS

We note that all these systems of different denominations, must cover a range of key departments are as follows:

1. The management of educational material.

2. Manage users (regardless of the validity of the user, student, teacher, director ..)

3. Management activities (duties and assignments, short tests, ...)

4. Connection management (which is available means of communication between the teacher and his students Almtherr, such as email, chat software, discussion forums ...).

The importance of e-learning management systems (LMS)

The importance of learning management systems in that it helps (Caliph 0.2008):

• support and complement traditional education.

• teaching materials or provide full training in a timely manner.

• education, increasing numbers of students in the crowded ranks.

• Ability to use the means at any time and any place.

• facilitate the process of teacher and student to communicate anytime, anytime.

• Manage and organize the process of e-learning and the exchange of content.

Advantages of e-learning management systems (LMS)

· Date: means the inclusion of student data, and management.

· Scheduling: means scheduling decision, and develop a plan to be taught.

· Plug: means to provide content to the student.

· Tracking: The mean follow-up of student performance and issuing reports about it.

· Contact: The means of communication between students through chats, discussion forums, and e-mail, and file sharing.

· Tests: means testing for students and dealing with their assessment.

Classification of e-learning management systems (LMS)

Classified e-learning management systems in terms of the source into two main sections, namely:

(1) Learning Management Systems, Open Source.

(2) Learning Management Systems closed source.

In terms of the public is divided into two types:

(1) Learning Management Systems General (Ready).

(2) learning management systems (developed).

Steps to choose e-learning management systems (LMS):

Refers Pat Alvarado (consultant in learning techniques) that there are seven steps to identify appropriate learning management system, according to the budget available for the project and the financial situation of the competing views on the project with their abilities to technical support and prices offered.

1 - Identify learning strategy:

There must be clarity in terms of the learning strategy "identify the target group and the possibilities and the available budget and to identify the barriers and the expected benefits of learning."

2 - documenting applications:

It is necessary to write applications that it deems important in the enterprise learning management system. And are arranged priority.

3 - Find learning systems available:

There are two types of such systems "open systems (Open) - closed systems (Closed)".

4 - processing specifications brochure:

Processing specifications brochure Request for Proposal (RFP) so that they are under the umbrella of the strategy and meet the requirements with the addition of the best features available in existing systems.

5 - Revision presentations: is through the development of different criteria to reach a standard to assess learning systems involved.

6 - scheduling meetings and demos:

It is important to meeting approaching that provides learning systems and engage in dialogue with them about everything related to Bmnottaghm according to specifications brochure at hand. And that permeates the meeting demos of the products and make sure they cover all the requirements.

7 - decision-making:

Is determined by a learning management system that meets the appropriate applications have been tested in different places of and in accordance with the budgets set for the project.

Costs of studying in Britain

Costs of studying in Britain

"Do you spend huge amounts of money in exchange to study in Britain?"

This is probably the first question that jumps to mind immediately, as soon as you think of study abroad, regardless of the country you want to study them, it is a legitimate question for any student looking for this opportunity, and often the answer to this question is precisely that motivate you to study in the country What, do you think or act it ..

Costs of studying in Britain, like many other countries that receive foreign students it varies between three elements:

Costs of studying in Britain | cost of university study:

Each discipline of study differ cost for other disciplines, and are also subject to the type of university that want to study them, Britain has a wide range of colleges, universities and schools, which vary each one from the other in the cost of the study it, but it can be said that the average cost of study in educational institutions British ranging from (5000 to 20.000) pounds, vary according to the type of study and specialization and the university by historical standards, academic and education systems and other sophisticated ..

Costs of studying in Britain | cost of accommodation:

These also vary according to the desire of the student, choices available to students in the residence multiple; he can stay in one of the boarding schools expense certain, or stay in an apartment individually, or even stay in the hospitality British family for the duration of receipt of the course of education .. every option of These options vary in value for money, according to the student's ability.

Costs of studying in Britain | Cost of Living:

The cost of living in Britain, medium, they are not simple and not too expensive, so it must be for a specific level of student living costs, being able to fulfill their requirements ..

This particular point is taken very seriously, where the student is asked to submit the documents to prove his ability on the physical life in Britain throughout the period of study, and that in the extraction procedures for a visa before traveling to Britain.

However, it is possible to say that the cost of living and accommodation together in Britain can be kept to a minimum (7,000 pounds) a year, which, of course, more than that for students who are able physically, who have the ability to choose good accommodation and high standard of living

Enormous facilities

With all of the above, it should be noted that the cost of studying and living in Britain are subject to tremendous facilities help to reduce the costs borne by the student, or help him in a way which makes it comfortably full-time study away from the physical discomfort throughout the period of study.

For example, take the study in Britain shorter duration than others, Studies of Bachelor them could take only three years, while taking four years in other countries .. and master's degree can take one year, while the take in other countries two and three years .. This means that the total cost to study in Britain become less than other countries that receive students to study ..

Advantage of other important should be put in mind, and you calculate the costs that will be borne by the study, which is that you have a degree from one of the educational institutions, the British will help you inevitably get involved in a career path prestigious quickly, because of the rush of employers for the services of graduates from British universities ancient, and benefit academic and practical experiences who obtained them through their studies in these institutions.

In the case of Joined the program of study for a period of 6 months or more, will be eligible for a student to get medical care full for free, and thus will avoid afford health insurance .. as well as allow the student to get additional income assisted in tuition fees by Joined work part-time for two 15 hours per week during the study period, and full time for an unlimited number of hours during the holiday period ..

There are also many special offers for students, to reduce the cost of many services such as transportation, restaurants, libraries, museums, theaters, education, exhibitions and cinema halls .. All of these factors reduce the size of the costs of tuition, which would be borne by the student, even gets a qualification which is appreciated and universal respect, and who will return upon the course of a career or academic remarkable, certainly be offset by the cost in a short period.

Reasons to study in Europe

European enchanting day! I am pleased to have the opportunity to study in that wonderful continent, traveling all over Europe and meet the people of developed countries such as the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Ireland, The study in Europe has many benefits available; That's why I want to share with my brothers students the reasons that led me to study in this great continent

Europe is a continent, an important center for innovation and a driving force for the Advancement of Sciences, with an unprecedented level in teaching. Europe contributed to the creation of many innovations intellectual progress and in technical fields, and become what it is today. The continent of Europe, a leader in the fields of liberal arts, design, fashion, banking, finance, media, technology telecommunications.

Sector of higher education and training in Europe is directly connected sectors of business and industry, to facilitate the acquisition of practical experience, which makes it a great place to expand opportunities for students' careers, and companies from around the world to invest in the European market of international making graduates directly connected to the business world rapidly changing, and the study of students in Europe to develop his self-motivated independent school to achieve its objectives, and prepare for the challenges, and the ability to deal with different problems.

Education is a fundamental right in Europe, and the government is committed to ensuring that there are more than 6,000 institutions of higher education is open to anyone who has the right qualifications for admission. This educational potential available to students from all over the world along with European students.

Tuition fees are often very low, there are also a lot of scholarships and grants available to researchers abroad, Europe is welcoming the bright minds from all over the world.

European universities have recently become in the ranks of international universities, where there is already a European higher education institutions more than 100,000 students from Asia alone studying in all the countries of the European Union. All nationalities are represented in the European continent, and anyone can study and live there.

Although the English language sufficient to study in universities in most EU countries, but the study in Europe give you a great opportunity to learn the language. Where exposed to European culture and be surrounded by Ibnatqan indigenous language in all daily transactions.

During the period of your study, you can enjoy the vibrant life in Europe, such as identifying trends in contemporary music, dance, and theater. The continent of Europe interconnected with each well by train and you can also take advantage of the lower prices for flights to all parts of Europe.

Study in Europe allows you the opportunity to win friends from all over the world, during the study in Europe, you'll learn friends Oroben representing European culture, and also other international students who came to study from other countries like you.

The study in the continent such as Europe increase your self-confidence and increase Ndjk. Where exposed during the study for a variety of European cultures and that develop your knowledge about the world, and how to achieve success in a foreign environment.

Europe is the best place for the development of mental skills. As you know, Europe being a place of acceptance, tolerance and study there teaches you to be open and receptive to others and their culture and perspectives.